Thursday 9 May 2013

Japanese Internment In Canada

In December 1941, the Japanese launched an attack on the US fleets at Pearl Harbour. This was due to the fact that they were enemies. After a while people started to question the Japanese people in Canada. Some Canadians assumed they were also enemies or "spies". This caused various rumours to spread throughout Canada. The people began to faithfully believe that the Japanese-Canadians were also enemies.The government was then pressured to round them up and send them to internment camps.

These internment camps were not a holiday whatsoever. At first just the men were sent. Extreme labour and little care were put on them. Soon after, ALL of them were sent to these camps (women, children, etc). They were told that this would soon pass and that they would be able to go home. Almost within days after they left, the government auctioned off/ sold their property and they were homeless and left with nothing.

I personally think that this was sickening. The government, who is supposed to be ensuring the well-being of the people is causing their pain, for no reason! They had no evidence that the Japanese-Canadians were doing anything wrong. It was simply prejudice behaviour. They were lied to and taken advantage of. They were not treated like humans. All for foolish reasons.

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