Friday 31 May 2013

The October Crisis

  The October Crisis took place during October (hence the name "October Crisis") in 1970. The October Crisis was a series of events. These events were caused by two kidnappings of government officials. The kidnappings were done by the Front de liberation du Quebec, also known as the FLQ. They were a violent Marxist group that were responsible for over 200 bombings and several murders all in which they claim "the name of Quebec". The FLQ's demands were broadcast on CBC radio.The Quebec was not certain what to do, so they demanded the help of the army on October 15th.

  The next day, Pierre-Éliott Trudeau released the War Measures Act. As a result Canadian Armed Forces guarded several Quebec cities. Pierre Laporte was assassinated the next day, on October 17. Nearly 500 people were arrested. Most of the people were artists, unionists, and just people who supported Quebec nationalism. The crisis finally came to an end in December. It was a series of hectic events.

   Personally, I think that the action of the FLQ were not justified. They were harming people more than they were helping them. They were fighting for Quebec nationalism, but at the same time they were destroying it by making Quebec look bad with their acts of extremism. If they really wanted Quebec to be respected and looked upon as solely independent, bombings and kidnappings were not the way to go.

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