Thursday 18 April 2013

Hitler: Master of Words

       Adolf Hitler is known for the many unspeakably evil things he has done. However, one thing that stood out in particular to me was that he was that he had a way with words. He encouraged people to believe many of the sick conspiracies and to follow his devilish commands. In many of his speeches, he would not bluntly say his intentions. He would cover his harsh ideologies in mountains of friendly sounding words to make it sound pleasing to the fellow Nazis and supporters.

I think that Hitler was a ruthless dictator that only followed his own ideas, and never saw the degree of evil that his actions were.

Hitler continued his reign of Germany, by trying to rid Germany of all other races except for pure Germans. He killed about 17 million people in trying to do so. Hitlers actions cannot be justified. His actions were completely evil and ruthless. He killed children, babies, elderly, he just did not care.The fact that he was able to convince many people (Nazis) that what they were doing was right, clearly shows that he did in fact have a way with words.

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